Niotron App Making Competition

Hello everyone :wave: :wave:

Today we are happy to announce that we are going to conduct an App Building Competetion starting from 2021-07-24T18:30:00Z


:dollar: Total Prize Pool : 8000 Rs.

  • :1st_place_medal: First Prize : 5000 Rs. :heavy_plus_sign: Certificate From Niotron

  • :2nd_place_medal: Second Prize : 2000 Rs. :heavy_plus_sign: Certificate From Niotron

  • :3rd_place_medal: Third Prize : 1000 Rs :heavy_plus_sign: Certificate From Niotron

:radioactive: How To Participate

:pause_button: Visit this google form and fill all the required field

:clock130: Competition Deadline

Competition is scheduled to run from 2021-07-24T18:30:00Z2021-08-07T18:30:00Z

:spiral_notepad: Rules

  • App must be original (Not copied from any existing AIA)
  • The project should be created after the competition is started
  • Importing Premade AIA is not allowed
  • Using paid/privately made extensions is not allowed
  • Submission should be done before the ending date
  • App will be made open source
  • Judgement will be done by Staff members and their collective decision will be final

:warning: Any violation of the above mentioned rules will lead to termination of the participant from the competition

:information_source: Application Will be judged by the following points

  • User Interface
  • App Idea
  • Complexity of App
  • Usefulness of The App
  • Application Performance

(Note : Rules Can Be Changed/Revised Anytime Before The Starting Date)



Nice, i will surely take part. :heart_eyes: :niotron:

Nice But Will Protrons Can Also Participates or Not. image

It is kinda unfair, isn’t it?

Rules changed, Protons can also participate and use of paid extensions is prohibited


Thank you so much :niotron:

I am super excited I will take part :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::slightly_smiling_face:

Sir can you please tell topic for this competition…
Thank You

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I have an question to @NiotronStaff @Krish I want to know that when to fill the form ?? I am really confused can anyone tell the full guide :pray::pray:


Before 8 August when competition ends.

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Thanks for your reply @Krish :pray:

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When your app is ready before 8 aug then fill the form. :niotron:


Free Extension Are Allow This Event

There is no topic for this competition. Make anything except earning apps

Yes free extensions are allowed

@NiotronStaff @Krish there is one more thing what if someone makes their own extension ??? Will that be allowed or we can’t make a new extension for this competition

Yes that’s what I am saying it should be edited in rules Also so that one can’t do that :ok_hand:

That’s simply considered as a paid extension as everyone will not have access to it, but user can publish it for everyone and then use it in his app.


I will win this :+1:

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