Niotron App Making Competition

Best wishes :+1: :+1:

Thank you! can i start after 12 am? indian time

Yes. Hover over the time given, it will show the exact time


All the best :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: @Blogging_Bro

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thank you! iam exploring niotron and i just found it,s owesome. now i will use only niotron for my all projects. codular is rejected:)

because there recent update.

I found the contest here which is good to motivate koders… i will make owesome app. iam checking is all components is available or not which i need

9 posts were split to a new topic: Admob Showing Error

Hi :wave:

I have read all the rules, I just have 1 doubt.

I have a app made in ai2, can I use the same concept and make a app form scratch in niotron.


Yea you can, as long as it’s made from scratch


Thx for reply, it was really helpful.

Excited for the competition as well :slightly_smiling_face:


Hmm, am new user here but I have a lot of experience with different ai2 builders… Will surely give it a try…

A post was merged into an existing topic: My App Is not perfectly Working

App building compitition is over! Now my question is when the results will be announced?

Well it’s not over yet. We extended the deadline to one day because of some issues in server, users were not able to work on their projects. So officially it’s ending today.

And result date will be declared after competition ends

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but i submitted my app on 8 august and how can i know that delivery date is extended there is no email or pinned communitry post?

No problem with that. many people submitten even before that, if your app is complete no issues with it

We announced this in our Official Telegram group

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but you need to update it in community! for us community is first.

if i know about date is extended then i can make my app more better.

Yes we’re sorry for that, there is still time left, you can resubmit your app if you want, submission for will be lept open till 11:59

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It,s okay No need to soory:) i don,t have option to resubmit.


There were too many issues recently. Package name was strange and auto generated which could not be changed.

Size of all components changed suddenly