How to make a 24Hour Button?

How can I use button which click one time in 24 hours .
Means if some click this button then Working but if it click again than showing please try after 24 hours.
And after 24 hours ago again clickable.

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You can use clock component to get the millisec of the instant
and a tiny db to store last instant when the button was clicked…

All you have to do is, on button click check if the stored instant value + 86,400,000 is grater then current instant value then perform action else show please try after 24 hours.

3,600,000 = 1hr
86,400,000 mili sec = 24hrs


It’s right but it can be bypass easily by clearing data of app.

To not get bypass use any database to store time.

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Please share in detail how use database for Time store @killer

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Yah… you are right, but can use any cloud-database to store and get time to overcome this…

You can use Firebase, Airtable or even TinyWeb-DB

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Or this (without disabling the button):


Check out this I have made one before using Firebase try the apk If you like it I will share the aia

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You can use my extension.

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Please share the aia

@wang_Jehoo_Studio i don’t think i have that aia now sorry

Okay thanks

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