TinyWeb-DB Server In Google Apps Script

:wave: Hello Everyone…

Today we have released a very helpful guide to explain your to use TinyWeb DB with Google Spreadsheet. I have written Js on Google Apps Script to create a server for TinyWeb DB component to store/get data to/from Google Spreadsheet. And So you can also create your own server for FREE + It’s super easy to setup and use.

Just follow this guide :sparkles:

After your have created your server and get the webhook url or say TinyWebDb server URL, you cam now create a simple project to test it.

Design Part


Blocks Part

Smaple AIA : TinyWebDB.aia (2.4 KB)

One more thing here, it is compatible with any appInventor distribution, not only with Niotron. You are free to use it in any other platform.

Hit :heart: button if you found this helpful and feel free to ask your query or suggestions.


Nice script
This is very much helpful :+1:t2:

Thank you

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Thanks buddy for the script :niotron:


Nice @tanishraj,
It is very useful.


Thank you :blush: very much @tanishraj


But if we use this method it says the following error

Is this have any type of limit like bandwidth or 100 request per day or something like that??

Can the admin solve this error??

What’s the error mate?

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Sorry for the late reply @tanishraj. I am getting the error as mentioned in the previous post.

can you share the aia?

yes 5 min @tanishraj


TinyWebDB.aia (5.0 KB)

I habe modified in the same aia file. i added the script url

You can find the excel file here

No answer from feb15 to as on date…