Facebook Bidding with Mopub

Facebook and Mopub Bidding Blocks

You just need to drag Facebook ads adapter in Screen 1.

All Done Now Go to Mopub and select Network Section

After that in Network Name Select Facebook and go to apps and ads unit setup

Then Go to Facebook Audience Network and click on Bidding Setup Section and Copy all ads unit id.

After that just paste Facebook bidding ads unit id in mopub

Then Save it you ads is ready to show just add your test device in mopub and Facebook to check.

After test device added here you can see ads is showing


Sure bro try karunga

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Very nice guide :ok_hand::ok_hand:keep Making More

How its showing bidding ads, my just showing Facebook Adveretise.

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See the title showing in ads, ‘FB Bidding Advertiser’

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I am telling that only, may be my app dint move to bidding, and still running in waterfall thats why.
I think mopub will be better and without any trouble. We can use.


I Have Same Do This. Now Watch.


Can you tell me how can Slove This problem in mopub . I entered correct system user token and business id but show this Error


Mine working fine no error, refresh and retry.
Did u add app url from playstore ??


For Mopub bidding with facebook ? Need to ad app url on mopub is important?

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App url is not required when creating it for testing.

yes i add app url but not working :cry:
Also ironSource api failed error

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This error is becouse u dint add url , still you can show test ads.
Just cool down and check every thing from starting, may be u miss out some thing.


Re generate facebook token and try again.

for this error.


How To Add Test Device In Mopub?

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Hello Anyone can explain please

Iam trying to bidding with MoPub after building my app test ads not showing … I Put My device advertisement I’d on facebook & MoPub boht but still test ads can’t show anyone can explain where issue

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May be no one tell you the real thing i will tell you.

To show test ads in Mopub you will have to do this step. (with screenshot i am showing.)

Step 1

Go to “Edit” by clicking here.

Step 2

Go to test mode setting.

step 3

Set your placement id.

Note : Every time you add new app : you will have to replace the placement ID In test mode setting .

Please give a like if you like it. :slight_smile:


i follow your steps but test ads not displayed

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Please check my ads placement and blocks any problem in blocks or placement please tell me


You should only load ads after SDK is initialized,even is available in MopubCore component

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you can provide me any demo blocks image please

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