We dont have a good bottom navigation extention

Here is link : may be this will help to create a good extension.

Look at this bottom navigation. Click to view this gif. Realy cool.
If any extension devoloper can make this.

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This code is written in kotlin and till now i have made extension only in java language. So i don’t know this can be done but this is possible if one can convert kotiln code into java code

you can use android studio, to convert

We cannot use kotlin in extension developement

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This type of extension already available by nikzdevz

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Thta is paid I think he want free

False we can use it, Rush can make it possible


Preview Of The Extension

Telegram Channel Of The Developer :- Telegram: Contact @nikzdevzStore

Its paid 700 Rs… and there is free version also with less feature and lots of bug.

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Ok I agree to create this extension

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All The Best & Have A Good Luck @Faraz_Firoz :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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I would like to say one more thing, if you would like to then as we know in youtube no one make a video how to make extension, start from basic to a complet extension.
Like to create
Screenshot 2021-08-21 at 12-58-00 Niotron
How to create a single block?

If you want to learn extension developement I teach you

I try with rush , and try to past java coding which i find in github. after few days i came to know its not same.

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What are you talking I do not understand

Rush : where we develop extension.
If we copy and past java from net it will not work as itz little bit diffrent.

Yes if you copy paste it do not work you can see my guide I have told what are the things that we need to change

Guide where is it ??
Guide is better in video formet . .

Not in video format because my laptop mic do not work perfectly.

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Hey @iaditya_nanda , Here Is The Code Written with Java Language.

GitHub - oneHamidreza/MeowBottomNavigationJava: Meow Bottom Navigation For Java Projects without androidx