Unable to publish app on play console

When I use startapp ads component in my app error shows in play console

When I use admob ad component no eny error shows


Hello Mr. @Dr_Homkar,
Welcome back to Niotron community…

Please follow this step to solve your problem :point_down:

When this problem solve?
When we directly upload file from Niotron to play console

Did you make any changes to the.aab or.apk file in the external editor?

No I am not doing any changes

maybe this is due to any out dated extension you used

When i use admob or Facebook ad component there is no issue, but if I use start app add component then this error show

Can you give me solution about my problem

This problem is not caused by niotron and can’t be solved by niotron. The problem is happening because you are using an extension or more that doesn’t follow playstore guideline.
You can easily solve the problem in just a few minutes following this tutorial (as already mentioned before): App Api Level 31 Issue Fixed

But before that, check if the extension that you are using doesn’t have a more recent version with the correction demanded by playstore

This problem is because of start App ad component. because when I use Facebook, admob or applovin ad component in same application with same extensions it work very well and upload easily with no error, but when I use start app add component then only it show error. Please check