Actually I’m Using Deep Host InApp_PDF_Viewers Extension and it’s working Fine on < Android 10. When I’m installing My app on Android 11+ > then not working to View PDF File on the App inside, it’s showing blank.
So It’s Extension Bug or Apps Bugs?
Note: Sorry for, I’m talking about Deep host Extension, but I’m try to contact extension developer he Doesn’t replied me…
Impossible to know without more information.
You could at least share your apk here so others with android 11+ can test.
One more thing: It is of common knowledge that Deephost doesn’t give a good support (he is not even member of AI forums). I suggest you to avoid his extensions unless when it is absolutely necessary.
Can you share any block for Deeohost inApp_PDF extension working Android 11+? Any video demo bcz i Don’t have Android 11+ Phone…
Or any wrong block in my aia? then you can explain me why doesn’t work InApp Pdf viewers extensions on Android 11+… Thank you