PDF File not Viewing on Android 11+

Actually I’m Using Deep Host InApp_PDF_Viewers Extension and it’s working Fine on < Android 10. When I’m installing My app on Android 11+ > then not working to View PDF File on the App inside, it’s showing blank.

So It’s Extension Bug or Apps Bugs?

Note: Sorry for, I’m talking about Deep host Extension, but I’m try to contact extension developer he Doesn’t replied me…

Whats your file path location?


Impossible to know without more information.
You could at least share your apk here so others with android 11+ can test.
One more thing: It is of common knowledge that Deephost doesn’t give a good support (he is not even member of AI forums). I suggest you to avoid his extensions unless when it is absolutely necessary.

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Then suggests me any InApp PDF Viewers Extension…
Wait I’m send you app or aia…

Here the demo app or aia
demo.aia (62.8 KB)

try a search in the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


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I’m searched but there are suggesting to Used Webview Component. Webview is Right way to showing PDF file on App? Any violence of play console?

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This extension is paid? Where are the download link

Yes. . It looks like you missed the large green box on the bottom of that page…

A simple solution is


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Sorry i have a insufficient balance to Paying for this time right now.

Btw, You are runing on Google ads on your Website but Extension are Paid? :smirk::smirk::roll_eyes:

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You can try by running url… it’s easy to use with deephost extension & it work on Android 11 . but never checked on 12

Yes It’s running url…


Try this one, especially on Android 11+ :
demoPDF.apk (4.8 MB)

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Can you share any block for Deeohost inApp_PDF extension working Android 11+? Any video demo bcz i Don’t have Android 11+ Phone… :cry:
Or any wrong block in my aia? then you can explain me why doesn’t work InApp Pdf viewers extensions on Android 11+… Thank you​:heart_eyes:

I already did that. My screenshot is from an Android 11 and 12 device.

Any help for this?

The extension incorrectly requests storage permissions also on Android 11+ (for the Shared folders, like /Download).

Then how to solve this, any block Mam?