Nio Quiz - Opensource Trivia Quiz App

nio-quiz Nio QUIZ

A very simple quiz app made on Niotron builder. In this app, no database is used to store any info or call quizzes. It is made by using the Open Trivia Games API. Here anyone can play quizzes in +20 categories and 4 difficulty levels.

Key Features

  • Having 3 :heart: chance to use Hint on each game. It increases as you answer the next question correctly.
  • Respond to the result as Green/Red, after answering the question.
  • Show your score with the game log in Your Score Screen

Extensions Used

I haven’t used any extension in this app, Niotron builder provides enough and powerful components to make such apps. :wink:


I am making this project open source so anyone can take a look at the logic and backend blocks of this app and learn from it. Also, you are free to make your own version of the Nio Quiz app using my AIA file.

:arrow_down: NioQuiz.aia (181.2 KB)

Download > Install > Play this game, and leave your valuable feedbacks in the comments below [ It would be great if you write your review on the play store too ]


Another great app depicting possibilities of the great Niotron platform


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Get AIA File 9

Aia link not working, It take to your website. There is a button Download aia, When we press it just refresh the website.

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Best App :star_struck: :sunglasses: :fire:

Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol… I forget to put the link there, it’s updated. Try now :grin:


I Founded A Bug in Your App
If Selected Category is Any Or If Level Selected To Any Then Not Get Value from Web
To Do

Also A Suggestion For You If User Press Wrong Answer Plese Tell Him Right Answer

The Aia file is not working, they said a problem occurred while loading this project, No upgrade strategy exists for AdmobBannerAd from version 2 to 3

it is not able to import it is showing no upgrade of admob 2 to admob 3.
If you can share the aia which is importable then it will be very helpful

Okay i’ll check the issue and update the AIA file.
Thanks for informing :smiley:

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When are you updating it?

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Updated the AIA file… you can download it now

The app is not generating quiz, why?

Please fix the problem, the app is not generating quiz

I’ve generated the API URL but I don’t know where to put it in my app, please help me…

I’ve generated the API URL but it’s still not generating quiz…

my most important Question is this , like i make similar app like this and use trivia api so can i upload to google play , hope there is no warning or app rejection because we using , trivia api to generate question , if anyone know , let me know …

It’s already on playstore

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its giving erroe when i am tryintg to import the aia file , it saying “Project names must start with a letter and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores” what is this man …now what i have to do…its seem niotron error…

The API is not generating quiz, I’ve tried it severally…

Can anyone please tell me why this error is occuring??

This is the error showing and also not showing the result once the match is over

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