
I think many people would like to try out their projects on Niotron, but there is simply no direct translation of projects today. Not many people will want to recycle their projects from scratch. Sometimes these projects are not small at all, and even there is a nightmare about one thought - to start over. But apparently, there is no other way since developers cannot create means of porting from one shell to another. Sometimes you have to figure things out yourself :slight_smile:
When migrating, it’s easier to keep the design markup than to rewrite the code blocks. But unfortunately, if insurmountable errors occur in the project, the project simply will not load up and even the layout of the project will not be viewed.
I don’t know if I’ll eventually switch to this platform or not, time will tell. However, it is worth thinking about how to transfer most of it today.
I had to make an additional sprint . if the community helps with the content, then at least something can be obtained :slight_smile:
so I made a bat file and an autocorrect script for component names in your aia files. there will be no need to mess with each screen and enter everything manually. this will be done automatically. eventually the aia file will be able to load.
KodularToNiotron.txt (614.3 KB) (zip arhive- the file should be renamed zip)
script content:

That’s how it works.:

This file contains the indication of component name replacements:
replace_list.txt (1.3 KB)
That’s what it represents:

the list is clearly incomplete. but there is already something. if there were people willing to supplement it… then we could have a converter that would automatically port projects to Niatron. yes, even with errors in the code, which can then be corrected already in the platform itself. Well, you’ll understand what I’m talking about :slight_smile:
Please respond . not indifferent

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Awesome @vvv.valera.valera
can you upload hera a youtube video link of this process (means recording of this process), to know how we use it?

There’s no need for that. the screenshots seem to be simple and clear. there is a script that replaces the types of components known in Kodular with components with names from Niatron. after that, the project will load. with errors, but boot up. if you don’t fix it, it will never boot into Niatron. I see an indication that in version 4.9.6. of the creator, this is probably the case. but what is version 4.9.1 now? and when can we expect a miracle? I do not understand how they are going to implement this if some components are not something that does not converge closely, but are also missing from Niatron

How will it deal with component mismatch? I mean , suppose if some component is not there in niotron which is present in kodular or vice versa, what will happen?

On this beta server you can test this import miracle. In my opinion it is working quite good so far.

if such a component does not exist, then when running the script, it clearly highlights which component cannot be replaced. after all, the content of the data itself is quite clear: “Kodular element= Niotron element”. if replacement is not possible, then this is indicated “Kodular element=-” .you look at the file structure replace_list.txt

as expected, the miracle did not happen and will not happen. components that cannot be loaded remain incorrectly loaded. the situation doesn’t really change in any way, except that the project actually loads at least somehow. at the same time, a possible replacement was expected, at least as in my script, where at least some of the components could be replaced on the go. for example, the same frequently encountered component in Kodular as SpaceView, which is called Spacer in Niotron. In this vein, the use of such autocorrect as my script is all the more relevant. If you run your saved project through a script first and then try to upload it, there will be significantly fewer errors.

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