How to change Target SDK version 30 to 31

How to change target sdk please help

AIA OR APK(if Any)

your problem is not to change the target sdk… your problem is you are using an extension, which has not been updated to SDK31… do a search for android:exported here in the community…


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As taifun said, target sdk is updated, but the extension you are using is not. The good news is that it is easy to solve this problem. You just have to generate the apk, then edit the manifest.xml file and generate the apk again. There is already an explanation on how to do it here in the forum. But may be it isn’t even necessary. May be you are using an old version of an extension that has already been updated to the new requirements of playstore

How to update sdk to 13 in niotron

This is the wrong question… you can’t change the target sdk and it also would not make sense to do this…
Read the previous answers…
What about providing a list of the extensions you are using?

startapp apps only

After doing a search for startapp in the community you could have found this thread yourself
