I am trying to make a video player app , but i am got a problem , please help me !
File_System.aia (33.0 KB)
Please Help Me
I am trying to make a video player app , but i am got a problem , please help me !
File_System.aia (33.0 KB)
Please Help Me
And that would be which one?
Do not get videolist please help me @Anke
Try this (it should work on all Android versions):
listFilesFromIntExtSDcard.apk (4.7 MB)
@Anke Can You Give Me The AIA File Of This Apk
So does this app (APK) work on your test devices?
@Anke this apk work properly please give me the aia file
Ok, first let’s see how the result is on your test device. Post a screenshot.
On my test device it looks like this (for mp3)
and it should be reversed (so intSDcard = 42 and extSDcard = 712 are swapped).
A small oversight on my part.
@Anke look like this in my phone
listFilesFromIntExtSDcard2.apk (4.7 MB)
Btw, this doesn’t work (you always get →
. So I used another way):
@Anke Thanks Sir
Sir, everything is fine, the files are coming but the files of the hidden folders are coming, how to stop them
Remove all files from the list that contains a dot (.
) in its folder,
for example: /storage/emulated/0/.hiddenFolder/
It would be easier if you could tell me how
Please Sir
Easier for you or for me?
Try something yourself for a change and if you get stuck we’ll see…
Btw, on my Android 11+ test devices it does not list files from hidden folders. But on Android 9 it does.
Anyway, do what I suggested.
@Hahahah Anke is She
Btw, my hint has nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with genderism! Of course, I totally and completely reject this nonsense (bul*sh**)!!!
However, recognizing from my profile picture that I’m not a man shouldn’t be that difficult.
@Anke Sorry madam , I didn’t understand at first, please forgive me
Hello Madam , I am trying to hide hidden folder videos , but those are also visible
Please Help Me
and again sorry foy my mistake
Then show what you’ve tried so far.