Firebase Realtime Database Permission declined

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Can anyone tell me where I went wrong?
And where to put Uid after logging in?

all builder ***, Niotron is better than others.

I think you will need to set rules like this

2 posts were split to a new topic: [Bug] Firebase Realtime Database Permission declined

I know. But I want database security. I’m so sorry you not understand my problem.

oooooh, thanks, I’m waiting

Firebase realtime database does not work with the rest of the Firebase Components(this includes authentication as well). This would be fixed in the next patch.

Ohh…When the next pathc will come. I trying to using Firebase auth it says Permission denied and when i try firebase database it says

There another thin that.
Please add Mysql. WE need this
Thank you

@JB_Kamaruzzaman for now use this way suggested by @connor soon i will make some guide on this

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[this way totally unsafe, unsecured

Yes but if the value will be sent by the users then you need to give save uid of every users and call value with that but it’s not still available in Firebase component

How long will it take to get the next update?

Why was it not fixed after the update? :rage:

I have not been able to complete the work of an app for 6 months due to this problem.
How much longer do I have to wait for this to happen?