Dynamic card view wxtension

i need this extension. please anybody send this. other list views are not suitable for me. i am new here.

You can use recyclerview component to create a customised list.

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@msiassamese you can search here for the extensions here on this page, all the extension are available here :

thanks sir, how to connect with air table? I need only text view

Check the video

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sorry, I am unable to connect.

Show what you have tried

You should check out on how to use Recyclerview

give me a airtable and aia with connect

I am trying air table text show in my app

anyone give me the solution please

simply I want to air table text in my app , only text, do not need photo view

simply I want to air table text show in my app , only text, do not need photo view

Connect Airtable to your project first

Make sure you put the correct token and ID

Make sure your Airtable is accessable

AirtableTesting.aia (2.0 KB)
This is a testing I was able to connect to Airtable, retrieve data and display it in a label

if you don’t mind I want to give you my airtable

sir, please help