Can’t send data to spread sheet (i have read all the solutions and tutorials but i can’t send the data)

I am making an app with a login page asking for the Username and Phone Number and Password and I want to connect the data with a spreadsheet, I want to get the data again when the user enters the app at any time after login and closing the app and also want to update the data if the user wanted to change the Username or the Password or Phone Number

Here are the blokes and the design

Thank you so much ANIFAHM_OLAWALE,
But i couldn’t understand this condition (4. A > 5 AND B <= 10
5. A > 5 OR B <= 10)

Those are use in filters the extension has the features to help you filter depending on the parameters you provide.

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thank you very much ANIFAHM_OLAWALE

what is wrong with these blocks (I want to make the data send to the spreadsheet when the user enters information like Username, Phone Number, and Password)

So I think that extension can’t be used to set data.

You should use the Spreadsheet Component in Niotron.

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