Bug in mobile browser

When my laptop’s RAM was no longer able to open complex projects, I tried to work on the project using my smartphone which had more RAM. But when I opened it in the browser, I saw a white bar that covered almost half of the screen, which was quite disturbing for my visibility while working on the project. I use Opera Browser to be able to replicate all the features of a desktop browser onto a mobile device. But the white bar that appears occurs in all browsers

And there is another bug that close automatically the keyboard

It can’t be considered as a bug as the builder is optimised for desktop browsers not for Android browsers, many functionalities are there which work better in desktop and not in android, hence it is still recommended to use desktop for working with Niotron

Not everyone has a desktop with a large RAM, let alone a laptop. Based on data, the majority of laptop owners only have 4GB of RAM, which cannot be used again in Niotron if the complexity has reached a medium level. And out of the total human population, only about 80% own desktops. Of course, with good use through mobile web, it can reach more potential users. Some popular web apps like Figma and Kodular are also widely used on Mobile Web, with several alternatives through the Opera Browser. Compared to Kodular or Figma, their websites remain comfortable to use, without any constraints.

I prefer to buy Niotron Premium/Subscription rather than buying a new device if we can access it from mobile.

I feel you haven’t experienced how frustrating it is when you see this on your desktop screen.

We have few things planned to fix performance and scaling issues. Should be released in a month.


Switch to Opera. You’ll feel better.

same happend to me so what i did as a temporary solution is i downloaded my project and separate it into two projects each one contain 4 screens and i work on them each at a time when you complete them both you can merge them into one, i hope this can be useful for you

Its already use Opera bro

Yup i think thats also, but the bag feature should be able to use in cross project, so it will more easy to move the block structure

How do you put the blocks together in one project?

For the bug where the keyboard automatically closes when typing in Block on a mobile browser making Niotron totally unusable on mobile, will the repair time also take a long time?

Which opera version is this?

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Opera or OperaGX? i personally use the GX one and it has full control of resources you can try using that

I use Opera for mobile web, but on desktop I use Chrome. The image is the desktop

To use Niotron on mobile, the best browser that I know of right now is Opera, because Chrome mobile doesn’t have a right-click feature

I asked you to use Opera on desktop. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well now i think, we need to think upon this. I think niotron should add a warning that you are using builder on mobile which is 0% recommended. People need to understand these builder are a web app but still they need hardware resources. These are never made to be used on a mobile phone

Thank you, sir​:pray: The typing bug on the mobile has been fixed and is now usable​:tada:

Thank you Adit for your reply. By the way, for now, you might just be focusing on desktop. But believe me, the smartphone market can be very promising and much larger than the desktop market. Currently, Niotron is about 80% usable on mobile with some special preparations that users need to make, such as installing the Opera Browser and using an OTG mouse (optional). Yoi just need to fix the bug of the screen being cut off by a white screen and the Niotron Companion that cannot be used on the same smartphone device. Once those minor issues are resolved, Niotron can be used almost perfectly on smartphones or tablets.