App is crashing on certain screen on android <=7

My app is crashing on android <=7 when I try to debug it than I get these logs

Its Something Related to TextView Justify Content

I have been unable to solve it till now

Post the APK and the aia or better a simple test aia.


Btw, the latest Companion version is still targeting SDK 30.

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Yes, it is.
Just find the labels in your project in which the Justify Content property is checked and uncheck all of them and the problem will be solved.

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Disable justification for all labels. It has a bug and is of no use. It will be removed soon.

@Fabio @iaditya_nanda

I checked the screen there in all labels justify-content option is unticked but still it’s crashing with the same logs

I have tried one other method by blocks but its also not working


Set them in the designer section, not in blocks.

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Bro I already done this but it’s still not working properly

As I said almost half a year ago, post a small test aia. :upside_down_face: