Admob ad error

When i open my application it show error that no ad config

Block Images(


Error img

Have you added Ad id ?




You can also do like this :


Here see the full docs:

It doesn’t work. My ads revenue drop to 0 after update. No ad shown

I think admob sdk is not Initialising

After the update my show rate is decreased to 25 to 30%

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Yeah, this V 2.5.0 update really make things worse. I lost a lot of ads revenue for 2 weeks

@Tech_Buzz_Malayalam @Fauzan @Rajdip0585 Please try checking the error codes

Previously my app showing ads and it’s already published on play store. After I updated to change the app icon the ads never showing again. I dont change the block. So it is not my mistake but niotron’s in this update. Ads from admob or unity is not showing again. My ads revenue drop to 0

Don’t spam Niotron @Fauzan

And @Rajdip0585 you might used wrong blocks. So, see this guide by niotron.

As I know this no ad config is also in my apps because of admob ad limited when admob ad limited gone from account ads showing but again limited ads set on account then again same error no ad config.

My account has no ads limits but still ads is not showing

Is your app on playstore? It’s adviced to use test ads or ad you device under testing section

already added test device id 3 month ago
admob ads is not showing

are you loading test ads or real ads?

real ads are not showing after apk build ,my ads id already added on admob,
test ads only showing on companion

i buid abb and and summited on 12 o clock afternoon app got live within an hour
and admob ads is not showing

After this update, my app can’t even be opened. So I tested with a super simple test app but the same thing happened.
