🥳 Year Ending Special Weekly Challenge No. #2

:partying_face: Year Ending Special Weekly Challenge #2

Q2) Get The Difference Between Two Days If 0, Then Show Expired Otherwise Show Not Expired.

Condition: Write short code as much as you can, Don’t use any extension

NOTE: Share your answer to this post below (i.e reply section). Answer should not be same as previously posted answer. Submit Answer In Block Image Format.

Last Date of Submission:
16 December 2023 @7 PM

Be Happy!! Keep Koding :heart:

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Hi everyone!

Well, first, I tried to do this challenge. I don’t know if it’s because of the language barrier but I would appreciate it if the next Q was clearer. I understand that perhaps the idea is that the same Q has several interpretations and that is why they are not so specific, but personally I didn’t understand the meaning of this Q was.

I only made an app in which when entering two dates (I don’t know if “days” meant “date”), if the difference between the two is 0 then it shows “expired” and otherwise it shows “not expired”. I don’t know what the sense of that is, but that’s how I understood it.

Anyway here my result:


Challenge_N2.apk (6.7 MB)

no one sharing answers, what happened?. Is we doing anything wrong. our intention is to bring community active again. thats why we need response from you guys.

Here is my entry for second challenge of this series.



APK File
YearEndChallange2.apk (4.4 MB)