Why Canvas asking Storage Permission

We MUST see all components of your project!

I have found out the main reason which was causing this problem happening. The main reason is Adgate Media. If you use Adgate Media component and Canvas component in your project. Then This problem happen. Screens doesn’t matter in this case. You can try both components in same screen and try with different different screen. Without using any canvas or Adgate blocks. This problem is happening. When I have removed Adgate Media component, my app is not asking any type of permission (Write Permission). And my app is working fine. You should look into this matter very seriously. Because in case future, It can show error with another components.
@niotron Team

Thank you so much @Anke for helping me.

As I said:

Yes, You were right. But Anybody can’t expect this error, due to other component of other screen. I had used Adgate component and Canvas components in different screens. So It was difficult to find out. Because error was showing in canvas screen. And I had used Adgate in another screen. That’s why I were not understanding the problem. But now my problem has solved. Thanks again @Anke for all.

It doesn’t matter on which screen a component is added. The permission(s) required for a component is (are) always declared in the Manifest, otherwise it would not be requestable.