Web Viewer Read URL Being Loaded

I am building a web app which contains links to my social handles like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
What I wish to do is that read the link URL which is clicked and then call a Chrome Custom Tab for that.
So in this way for some links (FB, Insta, Youtube) the webpage will open in Custom Chrome Tab or Activity Starter rather than in the Web Viewer itself.
Problem is I need to read the URL which I am going to. I tried PageLoaded and BeforePageLoad components with WebView:Current_Url but it didn’t work.
Any resolution will be highly appreciated.

Use custom web view by @Sunny_Gupta

Hello @Lovelesh_Kalonia,
Welcome to Niotron
Try using what @Shubh suggested

Replace “gooyaabitemplates.com” with your main domain.


Hi @I_Am_The_Bong,
Thank you so much for this block. This totally worked. I repurposed your logic to something like this (because of banking portals and about:blank pages) -

Many thanks again. I’m ready to push it to production now.
If someone doesn’t have Chrome installed, then it fails. So I replaced custom chrome tab with Activity Starter.
So Final is -

Love this community.

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I loved this thing that you appreciated the help :slightly_smiling_face:

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