Want to know admob Integration

For avoiding Mistakes want know is my integration perfect or not.

Block Image

Unit id is test id so no need to hide I guess.
Please tell me is I am doing right or not.

Currently test add is showing perfectly.

@Satwik once the SDK is loaded then you can directly load the ads and show them accordingly.

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It means no need of Addinspector right? Is there any issues which can occurs in future and can you explain me this partner bidding?

I have to tick or not

@Satwik this should not give any problem and about this parter bidding can’t say cause i don’t use ads

How to check is add closed or not?

Add here notifier and know ads was closed or not.

@Nibedita_Roy Thank You for your helping reply, but this not work add displayed works when add shows.
And others not doing their work.

My blocks with test unit id

Load ads when screen initialize…


My problem is Add shows but before closing it, it says add closed. I placed add load block in screen initialise method. And other blocks same as it is.


screen recorde.

I want method for when add closed. ×

@Satwik Ad Closed block is removed because Admob SDK has removed it

@Satwik you can try this method also: Switch Screen after Interstitial Ad Display - #8 by abhijith

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