Update Ads SDK

I am not purchasing monetization plan due to old ads sdk because i am using facebook and admob ads all time , but now ads request is high and impression is less due to old sdk. i request to niotron team please update sdk of ads. i am waiting since 1 year but no response.

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same issue :pensive:

We updated SDK just a few months ago?

@abhijith is that so?

Compared to…

Dear Sir, my app is not showing ads. It was doing so a month ago but it is not showing now. I have updated the app 3 times but still ads are not showing. Ads are showing in test mode but real ads are not showing. I use Facebook ads.

The Description is outdated and is just a hardcoded value, it was used before we introduced library manager. Check the Library Versions in the Library Manager

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It might take sometime for ads to start showing up.

Okey understood