Unable to save file containing space in content

Today i make a notepad app. but the file component dose note save file with space. When im try save file with space (Like: I Love Bangladesh) its not working and when i use “Ilovebangladesh” without space, now its working. how can i solve this problem?

show your blocks

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@RabbyHasan thanks for providing screen shot can i get the aia file of your project so that i can test it or you can also share the apk for testing purpose and then i can easily identify the error or bug if it is there

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The previous version of the app was in Kodular. After the last update, the app was not opening, so I did it in Niotron. The app is already in the Play Store. But there is a problem in opening the app due to the problem in the update. Now I come to Niotron and see that there is a bug left here too.

App link (Nitron): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mm4kdtMuT3LzGR1dYQKIMFWUQwLBDI5t/view?usp=sharing

It’s working fine on my device can you share some screenshot how it is looking in your device ?

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No sir, It’s not working with space. You can try Like This: “I love Niotron”. Here is the screenshort.

Ok @RabbyHasan I also got this error when I am saving it with space

So Don’t worry I have solution of this

Can you share the blocks of how you are saying the file ?

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@iaditya_nanda i think that @RabbyHasan should store save the file after encoding

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there is just the space error nothing else so we will just remove the space from file name simple


probably it may work

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How to solve the space problem, sir?

@RabbyHasan Share me the block of how you are saving file ok or if you can you can share me the aia in personal chat i will make your file ok

Is your error solved ???

No, this error is not solved.

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Why should the file name contain spaces?
So choose a (short) file name without spaces.

See also here: