Unable to find component error


I sent via PM

This has nothing to do with an error with Companion. Your project is broken. Did you import it from another builder?

Anyway, it’s corrupted. Maybe you have saved an earlier version that works.

Is your problem after importing or after deleting any extensions?

No, there was an error in the companion first, then an error in the project. I made it myself. I added aix, I saw that I added it wrong, I removed it, then what happened?

Yes, I deleted aix and then this happened

Anyway I can’t open the project. So it’s corrupted.

Ok, but it’s not my fault. I added aix, deleted it, it was an error

Now can’t this be fixed by Niotron?

I’ve added and removed extensions hundreds if not thousands of times with AI2 and all its clones (over the last 10 years). There have never been any problems with it.

Okay, I understand you, but it happened, I didn’t break this job on purpose, I just deleted it, if I did another job, I would say that I did something okay. I used to apply the codes on the niotron myself, but something went wrong.

If your not fixed then send your aia and extension in my PM.

I sent it via PM

Is It Solved??
if No
Send Your Aia In Pm I Can Remove This Component Manually
Also, Tell Me If You Also Used the Block of This Component

Thank you, I have sent aia, I am waiting for a reply.

Try this one:
Sosial_Panel_restored.aia (270.6 KB)

I removed the line of text highlighted in red from Screen1.scm


Thank you so much. Worked

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Now You Can Mark Solution of @Anke Reply

With pleasure.
And please let us know which extension you added (by mistake) and then removed. Post a link to it.
I and other users want to know if this is a general bug, or if it happened “accidentally” or if there were other reasons (I assume the latter).

If it happens again I’ll let you know