Unable to export .apk file | Firebase core component is required for using Firebase Component. Solved

Please help me to solve this problem

i have uploaded JSON file in Asset and checked all url and token are correct and working fine in companion but enable to export to apk.

As mentioned in the error message, You need to use the FirebaseCore Component in your app in order to use firebase components

@kapil_patel Just add Firebase Core component and it will export
And @abhijith please Change the category to Discuss

Yes i have done this not just solve by adding core component you need to import google service json to project and link with project then its work or you need to provide other details like api key sec etc.

You can set use json file in properties of core component :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes just by clicking using Json

Yes :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: @kapil_patel if you got the solution you can mark. It

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