Title visible option not working in older projects

In one of my projects, the ‘Title visible’ function was enabled, and after the update, the title is always visible. In new projects, everything is fine, but in the older ones, the title is not being hidden even when selecting the option. Does anyone know how to fix this? Ps: Sorry for bad english :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

@Droid_Lab are you using beta or main?
and are you talking about the companion or the build apk file?

I’m using Niotron main, and I’m referring to the companion version 1.0. Even the appearance of the title in the project looks different from usual.


I’ve found a way to solve this, have posted the steps please have a look

When I try to switch the theme from light to dark, this error occurs, and the theme doesn’t change.

@Droid_Lab can you post the error log

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