Table View extension error

Hello all friends,

I have a query regarding an extension, I don’t know if anyone knows it and worked with it, it’s Table View.

Table View extension v4

I downloaded the example aia and when I import it in niotron I get the error:

Error from Companion: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method setFontTypeface(Landroid/widget/TextView;IZZ)V in class Lcom/google/appinventor/components/runtime/util/TextViewUtil; or its super classes (declaration of ‘’ appears in base.apk)

When I create a new project and put the blocks to create a table I get the same error.


Does anyone have a solution or the only way is to fix the extension?

Thank you very much

Class name of table view component and extension is same that’s why error is caused

Thanks for replying,

And how do you solve that problem? Editing the extension and compiling it?

Thanks a lot.

Hello @conmed.
Welcome to Niotron Community.

Your problem is :point_down:

Thank you for the welcome and for responding.

Yes, that’s the mistake I get. But what does it mean? And is there a solution that I can apply?

Thanks a lot.

I have the same problem.

Is there already a solution?
