my Sidebar menu not works sometime, it work sometime but offen it not works when i testing my app.
@Indian_News_Updates Please provide additional information, such as a screenshot of the error or a screen recording of the error, to help us better understand the problem.
January 13, 2024, 3:11am
Screen Orientation Problem To Not Working Some Time
i Am Check This Problem
Use this extension all screen
There is a bug in the App Inventor framework that causes a screen orientation flip issue. The “orientation” option for screen orientation does not behave as expected, resulting in unintended behavior. This extension solves the problem by using reflection to access the ScreenOrientation.class, which is part of the App Inventor framework. It modifies its internal state to replace the “unspecified” screen orientation value with “User” for all screens, thus correcting the issue.
This extension is s…
@Indian_News_Updates Can you share a demo aia file?
January 14, 2024, 9:46am
It does not work if you check it with companion. It will work fine as an apk or aab.