Server Error

Hello. I’m getting a server error when working on beta niotron. Is there a problem with the servers? I am worried that the changes I made to my project will be lost.

What is the error message?

There was an error on the server. Please try again later. It was an error message that looked like this.

I found the error message:
“Server Error: One or more changes could not be saved. Please try again later.”

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Companion is not connecting with the builder and when I try to generate APK the server crashes.

I can’t connect to companion. I have tried several times but it won’t connect to companion.

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Companion issues should be resolved already

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@abhijith Sorted out! Thanks

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There is no helper available in the Android emulator. And I often get a server error while working on the project.

We do not have an official emulator support.

You informed emulator that is different from Companion. When the error occurs, print the screen and show it here. This can help developers better understand what is happening.