englishattitude.aia (213.6 KB)
Screen copy button not working.please help.also I can not delit the screen.facing lots of problem.
Re upload the AIA file lots of times but not working .I also provide the aia file.
One more question when Facebook adaptar uploade in largest ask?wating for your responce…
Its working see this video
What do you want to ask
- If you are asking for the update then wait till the next patch update of niotron
With lots of button and label screen not working.
Import my file to your niotron builder then actually see what’s happening. Adding to your video, you have few label and few buttons so it working properly. I am requesting you please import aia file and then see the difference. Waiting for your reply.
Tell me when you have saved this project last time ?
4-5 days ago…24/10/2021…pls sir do something…
One more question sir …can I copy screen one app to another app?
whenever i am opening your project its saying me its saved with the older version on niotron
so may be your project is corrupted