[Rules] How to post an extension in Niotron community!

Hello my dear all @extension_developers,
At first thanks to all for making Niotron better with your extension. From now please follow this rule to post your extension in Niotron community

Rule 1 :

You must share pictures of all blocks. And blocks description (Like : how to use this block in project)

Example :point_down:

1.TestFunction - It’s a test block, use this block to call TestEvent block.


2.TestEvent - Use this block to receive TestFunction method result.


Rule 2 :

The blocks must be from Niotron Builder, No other builder blocks will be accepted. And you must test your extension in Niotron builder to check its compatible or not.



Rule 3 :

For free extension :
You must post your extension in the community or share extension direct download link.
Phishing link and ads link aren’t allowed.

Example :
com.demo.aix (3.7 KB)


For paid extension :
Post your extension price in Rupees and USD, and use PM (Private Message) to sell your extension.
Must share payment methods.

Note : Niotron aren’t responsible if you got fraud from any other platform (Telegram, WhatsApp and etc)

Rule 4 :

i) Must share extension package name.
ii) Must share extension current version.
iii) You can share a demo aia and apk (not mandatory)
iv) Must share preview.
v) Correct naming conventions.
vi) Advice users on the minimum Android versions that blocks work on.
vii) Provide a changelog so that users can track and match extension versions.

  • Thanks @Gordon_Lu for suggesting rule no 4.v, 4.vi, 4.vii