Request for adding new features

Sir Niotron is the best. Don’t put an end to this app builder but my just one opinion to update and add some new components which is more better than kodular. Like chat component, video and voice calling coponents with services, I am sure Niotron will be the best builder and your some components are very much advance and expensive. The users will get increase if your builder will be more advance.

I am sharing my first extension to this builder hope you all like :-

Euclid’s division lemma

  1. dividend
    This is to find Dividend it work like ? = 3 * 2 + 1 Here question mark gets the answer

  2. divisor
    This to find Divisor it work like 7 = ? * 2 + 1 Here question mark gets the answer

  3. quotient
    This is to find Quotient it work like 7 = 3 * ? + 1 Here question mark gets the answer

This is to find Remainder it work like 7 = 3 * 2 + ? Here question mark gets the answer

Download aix :- Euclid’s Division Lemma.aix (6.5 KB)

Next extension to find HCF and LCM is coming soon.

by Bharat Android app Development


Thanks @Bharat_Android_App for your Contribution, Support & Suggestions. :innocent: