Request and grant MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on Android 11+

With this extension you can request and grant → MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE on devices with Android 11+. Be aware that this permission is usually not granted by Google. However, let’s assume the app is only intended for private use or for special users or for other app stores.

The following permission must be declared in the Manifest (since it is not declared in the Companion app you can’t test this with Companion):

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

This extension declares this permission automatically in the Manifest (and let you check the API level of the device):
AllFilesPermission.aix (4.3 KB)


To check it on Android 11+ try this: manageExtStorage.apk (4.7 MB)


In order to be able to test with Companion as well, this permission (as already mentioned) must also be declared in the Companion app. To do this, you can decompile the current Companion APK and declare this permission in the Manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

Note: Of course, since we do not have access to the (Niotron) keystore, the Companion app must be uninstalled before the customized Companion version (APK) can be installed.