Question regarding subscription

Is it mandatory to buy the Monetization pack for all even if one does not want to monetize the app? I’ve not used any ad extension and/or component, but compiler throws an error saying that I’ve used ads extension. Therefore, I should purchase the Monetization pack.

But, the APK size increaser and Asset file size increaser packs are enough for me (as of now).

No, it is not mandatory to buy monetization pack if you are not using any monetization components or extensions.

I guess there are some extensions in your project that uses Ad Libraries which are detected by the Compiler. If you believe this is a false positive, you can dm me your aia so that i can take a look into it.

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List of extensions used :

Found the problem. The Kevinkun Enhance extension was creating the issue.

That page doesn’t exist or is private.

We’ll take a look into it.

@AsimJib Check now.