I work for 1 hour and save my project, next day i saw its not save, it was same like if i have not work for 1 hr. all project was lost.
Next day again i work and save it and wait for 5 mint. then open the same project in another tap, to check what i saw not save.
I thod its becouse of airtel net, i check network it was up down , but i was getting 50 kbps to 300 kbps.
Still i change to vodaphone net, i was getting around 400 to 500 kbps.
again the same. how long i should wait to get project save.
I check it : it saw it has 4200 block.
When i build apk it was 6.9 mb apk file.
It’s Strange i can save all my projects and also i am using
Jio:- 10 Mbps to 150 Mbps
Vodafone:- 30 Mbps to 150 Mbps
So if you can’t save your project automatically then you can go with the manual method
I mention above, that i save it. even i create checkpoint. no use.
can you share the screen recording it’s really
what i will send, there is no error msg, nathing , it show its save, but when i refresh or open project in another tap, gone .
But i saw one thing , if i keep my project open and save it , now, it will get save in 30 to 40 min later.
So it hapen to me when i save it in every 15 min.
if i save it in (1.15 pm) and (1.30pm) and (1.40pm) then (1.15pm save) will get save at (1.45pm) or near by.
Still i will try, it will need time because, i will have to hide or blur my project detail.
I build an aia file , rename it and import it now its working.
@MJ_BUNNY_T.V Yes its really strange as @iaditya_nanda said but if you want your project to be really saved then you can export the aia
Its a serious Issue I lost almost 6 hours of hard work 
I have this issue and it makes me crazy
@burger Please export the aia file after completing your work this gives the double security to you by saving the aia and it will take only one minute to export the aia
of course I do in this way but it is not the solution. It disturbs in the middle of work download aia, delete the project and upload the aia and check it if all the blocks still here again and again, if it worked etc. And I forget it sometimes, this cost me a lot of work.
Belive me my friend, this is not the solution, Niotron should find any way to fix this.
Yes @burger I never said that this is a solution and you are right i too face this problem but what we can do is just save the aia as backup