Problem in the Web Component

I’m not able to use the web component to make requests (get) using mobile data, I’m using Android 13. I tested lower versions and it works normally. On Android 13+ only working with Wi-Fi, can anyone help me?

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@jackson_silva can you share some error screenshots etc?

At the moment I can’t send it, as I don’t have an Android 13+ now but if you have one you can test it in any project to see if you can get it through the mobile data

@jackson_silva No problem whenever you get the android 13+ then get the screen shots and i too don’t have one so i also can’t get this checked

I will arrange this as soon as possible

here is the screen recorde. I am calling rapid api using web component but app crash automatically.

Found that error again in Realme 9 pro.
here is the screen record.

@Satwik Use ADB Logcat to get the logs and check logs you will get to know why it is not working

Thank you for your reply but I don’t have (pc or laptop)

so can you please tell me how can I do it with smartphone.

@Satwik Sorry but this is not possible on a mobile phone you are required to get a PC or laptop for this or else you can try any online debugger to get the logs

can I provide you an apk in personal?

@Satwik you can send