Please help me to fix sdk 31 with Taifun File

Hello dear koders, the TaifunFile have been working fine in my Android 9-10 and even in SDK 33 but today it stoped

Kind;y help to know what is wrong made there is some changes needed for me to implement TaifunFile read as it was before.

@Nerotech have you tested it in the exported apk?

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Yes but not working as well

@Nerotech can you provide a demo aia file?

It should work with Companion. With the compiled app (APK) you must request READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on Android < 13 and READ_MEDIA_VIDEO on Android 13+.

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Sometime those seem to not work when a user tries to accept permission it alerts that Permission denied

What does Location permission have to do with TaifunFile extension?

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