Payment issue

Almost 1.5 month have passed since I bought monetization pack. It’s not activated yet.I have already written many times to you about this issue, but you said the payment will be refunded or monetization will be upgraded within 15 to 20 days, but it’s not yet. Kindly help me, I need to update my application in play store.

@abhijith Please check this

What I will check, I don’t understand
Monetization has not activated yet please solve it

@Musical_Noor see you are making this topic after 1 month of purchasing you should have told before

No… No, I had said it to the Niotron Team almost 20 times in 1 or 1.5 months. The team said many times that the monetization will be activated or it will be refunded automatically. But is not yet. Kindly do something.

You still have’t got the premium or the refund?

Yes, I haven’t still got the premium or refund. Kindly do something

I have not got refund or monetization yet. It is almost 3 months I have purchased the monetization. Unfortunately I have not got either refund or monetization. And the Niotron Team have not taken any action in this matter. It is the matter of sadness for me.

@Musical_Noor Really sorry for the inconveniences
@abhijith please check this

I’ve sent a dm to resolve the issue

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