[Paid] GitHub reporter: Report app errors and crashes

Github reporter

Extension developed using Github Rest API for reporting application errors and crashes to a Github repository. Provides an interface to easily read the reports on Github.


  • Generate a new personal access token in settings.

(don’t share the token with anyone, it should be confidential)

  • Create a new Github repository.


  • Then use the two property blocks to put the token and the repository name.

  • Do a test. Make the app crash or create an error deliberately.

  • Application UUID


A UUID generated by the extension for identification of the device the app is installed on. This UUID will also be shown up in the Github.

  • Set limits

By default, a device can only send upto 2 reports.
This has to be reset accordingly (24 hours, or more) through blocks using the Reset Limit block.

Here. if you want to change the limits. You can use the following block.


  • Github Limits

There are limits, set by Github, know more here.

Then, in the issues section, you will find the reports logged.

Data collected

  • Time
  • Traced Elements of the error.
  • Phone Info: manufacturer, brand and model.
  • app version name
  • Android Version
  • Error type [fatal / bug]
  • Location of the Error - name of the screen.
  • Country and Language. No special permissions required.

The app crashes or errors which appears before the initialisation of extension will not be logged.
Runtime errors in devices below <= 6 will not be logged. Only crashes will be reported.


Message me, to purchase it.

INR: 570 INR
PayPal (outside india): $8

We are not affiliated with Github.


Nice extension, @Kumar

1 Like

Did a test few days ago, i received many errors/crashes from App On Google play :grin: