[PAID] Extension to compress images from 0% to 100% quality


1. PathFromUri(Text stringUri)


Converts a content URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) into a file system path.


  • stringUri: The content URI as a String.


  • A String representing the file system path. Possible return values are the resolved path, “Invalid input” if the input is null or empty, or “Exception occurred” if an error happens during the process.

2. CompressImage(Text imagePath, Text myDirName, Text imageName, Number quality, Number ID)


Compresses an image and saves it to the gallery, maintaining the original file extension. The quality parameter can be adjusted from 0 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality).


  • imagePath: Path of the image to be compressed.
  • myDirName: Directory name to save the compressed image.
  • imageName: Name for the compressed image file.
  • quality: Compression quality, ranging from 0 to 100.
  • ID: An integer identifier for the operation.


This method is asynchronous and will trigger ImageSaved or ErrorOccurred events upon completion or failure.

3. ImagePicker()


Initiates an ImagePicker to select an image from the device.


On successful image selection, triggers the ImageSelected event with the path of the chosen image.


a. ImageSelected(Text imagePath)

Triggered when an image is selected using the ImagePicker. Returns the path of the selected image.

b. ImageSaved(Number ID, Text filePath)

Triggered when an image is successfully compressed and saved. Returns the operation ID and the file path of the saved image.

c. ErrorOccurred(String errorMessage)

Triggered when an error occurs during the image compression process. Returns an error message describing the issue.


Payment method

  • Price: $5 dollars
  • Methods: PayPal, PicPay and PIX

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@Passos_0213 Nice extension


I need a vungle ads extension can you give me i will pay you


I don’t know this one, can you give me the links?