Niotron Creator Reward Program


:wave: Hey everyone

We are running a reward program, where youtubers making tutorial videos on UI, Components, Blocks Logics etc can take part and get rewarded by Niotron.

:trophy: What’s the reward?

You’ll get one month free access to monetization components. i.e you can use any ads components in your project and build your app till one month from the date of activation, for free. Video Creator Badge and in bonus, you’ll also get Subscribers + Views + Likes from niotron users. XD

:mag: Who is eligible for this program?

Youtubers having +500 Subscribers and can bring at least 500 views on each video ( made as niotron tutorial ) by the end of the month is eligible for this reward.

:hammer_and_wrench: What are the requirements?

Here are few requirements a youtuber must fulfill,

  • 500 Subscribers
  • 500 views per video
  • +5 minutes video length [ Excluding intro and post video animation ]
  • Fresh Content [ Copy paste contents and contents made on similar topics or showoff pf any APK will not be considerd ]
  • +4 tutorial videos each month
  • Language English/Hindi/বাঙালি [Contact us if you are willing to make videos on any other language ]
  • Video title must contain Niotron Tutorials

:baggage_claim: What you have to do?

You have to create at leaset five tutorial videos a month on How to using components, create UI and the logic for writing blocks etc. Do consider that you are explaining to a completely new developer, so that the viewer can understand it easily. Also make sure that, there is five days gap between videos released on your channel.

After uploading each video ( made as niotron tutorial ) on your channel, Share that video in our community too. Also you are free to share link/videos at any other social media sites/websites/app.

:mailbox_with_mail: When to submit review on reward claim?

Once you have +5 tutorial videos with 500 views on each. All five videos must be published on same month (eg : May 2021). The you can submit those 5 videos for review.

Click here to submit your videos for review

Team Niotron