I want to add Phone verification using firebase. I tried myself but it wont work. Here I provide you my blocks
When Button Click:
I Tried Both Method,
- Fill All Box in This
and Another is without fill in this box
but I always get error
FirebaseAuth is not Initialise
I added SHA1 key to Firebase.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
When I Enter Project ID, I Get This Error
You need to use the .json file and fill in the Firebase Core fields for this to work
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I Use This.
Still you think its wrong?
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I tried by using JSON file. Not working at all
You need to use the .json file and still fill in the Firebase Core fields so that it can work, it is not possible to initialize only with the .json or only with the information in Firebase Core, you need to use the 2
I tried Everything
Only Field
JSON with Field
Will you please try yourself to check if there is an error in Niotron or in my pc or account?
Send a photo of how your firebase core fields are filled
Filled every field except project id.
Bcoz i got error when enter project id
Hello Niotron users!
Firebase Auth doesn,t have any bug. The bug is in firebase when we export google-services.json file we don,t get database url in that file. if you create firebase database then still you will not get database url or project url in that file.
Solution : Fill manually all details in Firebase core component expect Instance id, GsmSenderId which is not required! as we are not getting database url in json file that,s why we need to add database url manually in firebase auth component!
But theres is no need to create firebase database for that just paste this url - https://Your-project-id.firebaseio.com and replace your-project-id with your own project id which you get in google-services.json file.
This is not new bug i was facing this issue from a year then i notice old json file and new json file. Try Once definnently it will work. if mark mark this as solution.
Sorry for my english. Iam comfortable in hindi but niotron don,t allowing it. If niotron allow hindi langauge then it willl be owesome becuase niotron is made in india and majority users of niotron is from india. If You proudly saying that we are made in india then accept our mother language. it,s a suggestion. Thank You
Let Me Try This Method Bro
What I have to add in storage bucket field?
Will you pls guide me to fill fields?
Yes now okay! Also tick on UseJsonFile and upload json from firebase
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Now Please Check, Is This Blocks OK?