My project cant open

dear niotron plz help me.
i cant open my remaining project which i working hard. plz help me.
what can i do… i want this project in any condition. i decide launch date of my project plz plz help me.

What seems to be the issue?

my project doesn’t open, whenever i am trying to open for work on that project. as you can see in screenshot below

is there any error message in the browser console?

No there is only show loading as screenshot

Did you try from another browser?

Did you close the website and try again?

Did you try to download the aia and upload again to see if it works?

Did you try to open others projects to see if the project happens too or if it is just this project?

i try all this options
i tried another project it open but this not open. This issue happen with only this poroject

Then the project probably won’t open anymore, it is corrupted.
If you have a backup of a few days ago, use it.
If you don’t, well, now you learned the importance of make backup as much as possible…
Anyway, if you got to download the .aia then you can try to edit it and reuse it. I am not very used to this but normally when those things happens the internal files (files, extensions and screens used) can still be accessed if you download the .aia and change it’s extension to .zip. Then you open it in 7zip or whatever program you use, and search for .bki and .scm files
Open them with notepad. If they are not corrupted you can copy them to another aia file and import this aia file to Niotron again.

I think my explanation didn’t help much, but search for it in the forums or Youtube. There are some tutorials about it.

Send the aia in my PM

okay thank you so much

this is my project aia file

Shikshanbaba2.aia (1.7 MB)

It is working just fine but it takes 1-2 min to load.

Seriously 35 screens, is that really necessary as almost every screen looks the same, learn to reuse your components and screens instead…

Bad approach to just open screens and never close them.

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can you provide right sollution of this problem… please
these 35 screen is required cause of every page conduct different information
and how to close screens as you write at last.

You can use different arrangements to act like a screen.

okay. but right now my project doesnt open

Well, there is nothing anyone can do to help you, man. Close all the others websites and programs and try to open your aia project again. If you try sometimes and still doesn’t work you will need to try in another computer. The good part is that after you reduce the number of screens it you will open normally in your usual computer.

In the worst case, may be you find a friend with a better computer and you can ask him to open the aia in his computer and if it works he gives you access using some program of remote support like Team Viewer.