My project can't be opened again after using an error extension

I didn’t find a property or block to make the status transparent so I looked for an extension in the community. When I installed it, the result was an error and I deleted the extension file but the error effect on the screen was still there. So I refreshed the project but it just stuck loading for a very long time and never opened again. This is the file extension
statusbarhide.aix (5.6 KB)
and this is the screen bug that occurs, I made a block hidestatus bar on screen1 for the splash screen effect but the extension effect runs on the homepage and all other screens and what is hidden is not only the status bar but also the navigation bar

when I refresh the project, the project can no longer open

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Try to download the aia and edit it manually using 7zip or any archive manager.

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@Roland_Candra Export the aia file → the rename from .aia to .zip → then extract the file and add the deleted extension to the folder : assests / External Components and then → zip the files and again rename from → .zip to .aia and import that it should work properly

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