My App Not Exported After New Update Come

Describe the bug in detail…

Attach Necessary Block Images and Files

Niotron is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task succeeded in 0.007 seconds
[LoadComponentInfo] Starting Task
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating assets…
[LoadComponentInfo] Component assets needed, n = 11
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating activities…
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activities needed, n = 17
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.LukeGackle.JSONTools” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.Responsive_Screen” does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activity metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating broadcast receivers…
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify broadcastReceivers
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify broadcastReceivers
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify broadcastReceivers
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify broadcastReceivers
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.LukeGackle.JSONTools” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.Responsive_Screen” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] Component content providers needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating libraries…
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify libraries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify libraries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify libraries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify libraries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify libraries
[LoadComponentInfo] Libraries needed, n = 54
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.LukeGackle.JSONTools” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.Responsive_Screen” does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] Component metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating Android minimum SDK…
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify androidMinSdk
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating native libraries…
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify native
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify native
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify native
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify native
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify native
[LoadComponentInfo] Native Libraries needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating permissions…
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.devyb.devybimageloader.DevYBImageLoader” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.CustomWebView.CustomWebView” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.ImageScale.ImageScale” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.LukeGackle.JSONTools” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.techerror.TechError” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “RelativeView.RelativeView” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.Responsive_Screen” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.onesignaldeps.OneSignalDeps” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.mohamed.JsonToDictionary.JsonToDictionary” does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] usesLocation = False
[LoadComponentInfo] Permissions needed, n = 49
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.devyb.devybimageloader.DevYBImageLoader” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.CustomWebView.BrowserPromptHelper” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.CustomWebView.CustomWebView” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.CustomWebView.DownloadHelper” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.ImageScale.ImageScale” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.LukeGackle.JSONTools” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.techerror.TechError” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “RelativeView.RelativeView” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.Responsive_Screen” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.mohamed.JsonToDictionary.JsonToDictionary” does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.LukeGackle.JSONTools” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.KIO4_Gradient.KIO4_Gradient” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.srrazmi.Responsive_Screen.Responsive_Screen” does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] Component services needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating component broadcast receivers…
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.recyclerlist.RecyclerList” does not specify broadcastReceiver
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.dreamers.plyr.Plyr” does not specify broadcastReceiver
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “” does not specify broadcastReceiver
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “io.shreyash.phase.Phase” does not specify broadcastReceiver
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component “com.sunny.push.OneSignalPush” does not specify broadcastReceiver
[LoadComponentInfo] Task succeeded in 0.01 seconds
[CheckPremium] Starting Task
[CheckPremium] INFO: Checking User Premium…
[CheckPremium] INFO: Getting User Monetization Status…
[CheckPremium] Task succeeded in 3.667 seconds
[CheckCoreComponents] Starting Task
[CheckCoreComponents] INFO: Checking Core Components…
[CheckCoreComponents] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[CheckRequiredAssets] Starting Task
[CheckRequiredAssets] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[PrepareAppIcon] Starting Task
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Creating mipmap dirs…
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Generating icons…
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-mdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-hdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-xhdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-xxhdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Generating icons for mipmap-xxxhdpi
[PrepareAppIcon] Task succeeded in 0.314 seconds
[CreateIconSplash] Starting Task
[CreateIconSplash] INFO: Generating splash icon…
[CreateIconSplash] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[XmlConfig] Starting Task
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating animation xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_enter.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating fadeout.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_exit.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating fadein.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_exit.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_enter.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_exit_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_enter_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating zoom_enter_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_enter_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_exit.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating hold.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_enter.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_v_exit_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] Creating slide_exit_reverse.xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating style xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating provider_path xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Creating network_security_config xml
[XmlConfig] INFO: Generating adaptive icon file
[XmlConfig] INFO: Generating round adaptive icon file
[XmlConfig] INFO: Generating adaptive icon background file
[XmlConfig] Task succeeded in 0.002 seconds
[CreateManifest] Starting Task
[CreateManifest] INFO: Reading project specs…
[CreateManifest] VCode: 1
[CreateManifest] VName: 1.0
[CreateManifest] Min SDK 21
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen ‘com.niotron.sachinjangir9687.Knowledge_Broker_MYSQLl.HOME’
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen ‘com.niotron.sachinjangir9687.Knowledge_Broker_MYSQLl.Screen1’
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen ‘com.niotron.sachinjangir9687.Knowledge_Broker_MYSQLl.SMP’
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen ‘com.niotron.sachinjangir9687.Knowledge_Broker_MYSQLl.VIEW_PDF’
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen ‘com.niotron.sachinjangir9687.Knowledge_Broker_MYSQLl.VIEW_COURSE’
[CreateManifest] INFO: Writing screen ‘com.niotron.sachinjangir9687.Knowledge_Broker_MYSQLl.GOAL’
[CreateManifest] Task succeeded in 0.002 seconds
[CreateConditionalXmls] Starting Task
[CreateConditionalXmls] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[AttachMediationAdapterLibraries] Starting Task
[AttachMediationAdapterLibraries] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[AttachNativeLibs] Starting Task
[AttachNativeLibs] Task succeeded in 0.0 seconds
[AttachAarLibs] Starting Task
[AttachAarLibs] Task succeeded in 0.232 seconds
[AttachCompAssets] Starting Task
[AttachCompAssets] Task succeeded in 0.013 seconds
[MergeManifests] Starting Task
[MergeManifests] ERROR: Could not execute manifest merger step
[MergeManifests] Task errored in 0.745 seconds

My Request to Niotron Team Please Fix as soon as Possible Please.

check if you have any error

I also face same problem, no error block in my app, i face this problem after nitron builder update,

its working , may be becoz of ad block

Me also failed to export, is that one of my extension caused this error?

@sachin_jangir This is fixed on beta server. Please check there.