Login with Airtable DataBase( Niotron) ( tutorial )

Good Morning :full_moon_with_face:,
I hope you all will be fine. Here i have some tutorial for you all. I hope you will try this in your project and love this also.

So here we go

This how the Login Screen or Screen 1 look like.:point_up_2:t5::point_up_2:t5::point_up_2:t5:


This is image of the component which used in my. You can use many components. And you can design your UI in your own way.


This is screen shot of Blocks ( Main Part of the App )
You can add many textbox but i only used 2 textbox.
And also i used notifier. When user will enter all the information and click on the Sign up btn. The notifier will notify user Scessfully Login.

ads (1).aia (195.5 KB)

Here is the aia file.

ads (4).apk (4.2 MB)

Apk file.

If you have any problem then you can ask :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you!!!

Jay mahakal


Good work keep it up :+1::+1::fire::fire:


Thanks @VSATISH13

If you don’t mind can we have some chit-chat?


Yes you can and this tutorial is helpful I will recommend you work on Ui.

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This is incomplete tutorial as you not confirmed the values are stored or not. Notifier should popup once values are confirmed.

but how to make login system

What do you want in your system

Storing data isn’t hard but when you want to call the data from airtable then it will be a problem because everytime you want to call data you need to know exactly which column the data is because if you don’t then you will get random data.

This absolutely right @JINI_kun

I believe it cannot be accepted as complete guide . The above code which shows the value into airtable. As per this guide whenever you open the app, your input will be created and stored. No logics are used. But this is very very basic in airtable block.

  1. You need to explain, what should happen for next time login

  2. You should explain what should happen if I use wrong credentials

Etc etc.

Instead of image you can try with material icon…