Login page using firestore

Hello niotrons
I want to create a login page ( no sign-up. …login only) with username, email and password using firestore database .does anyone know how to do the blocks

Use this extension

And here is it’s guide

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@Nih_nih_Science_cem you can try this :

Step 1: Set Up Firebase Firestore

  1. Create a Firebase Project:

    • Go to the Firebase Console.
    • Click on “Add project” and follow the prompts to create a new project.
  2. Enable Firestore Database:

    • In your Firebase project, navigate to the Firestore Database.
    • Click on “Create Database” and choose the appropriate mode (Start in test mode for easier setup).
  3. Get Firebase Configuration:

    • Go to your project settings by clicking the gear icon in the Firebase console.
    • Under the “General” tab, find your app’s Firebase configuration object, which includes the API key and other details you’ll need.

Step 2: Set Up App

  1. Create a New Project:

    • Create a new project.
  2. Add Components:

    • User Interface:

      • Add the following components to your screen:
        • TextBox (for username)
        • TextBox (for email)
        • PasswordTextBox (for password)
        • Button (for signup)
        • Label (for status messages)
    • Non-visible Components:

      • Add a Web component (to interact with Firebase).

Step 3: Connect to Firebase Firestore

  1. Configure the Web Component:
    • Set the Web component’s URL property to your Firestore database URL.
    • For example, if your Firestore URL is https://your-project-id.firebaseio.com, set it accordingly.

Step 4: Create the Signup Logic

  1. Add Blocks:
    • Go to the Blocks section.
    • Create the necessary blocks to handle the signup logic:
When SignUpButton.Click
  if (UsernameTextBox.Text is not empty AND EmailTextBox.Text is not empty AND PasswordTextBox.Text is not empty)
    set SignUpURL to 'https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/your-project-id/databases/(default)/documents/users?documentId=' + UsernameTextBox.Text
    set Web1.Url to SignUpURL
    call Web1.PostText with arguments
         "fields": {
           "username": {"stringValue": "' + UsernameTextBox.Text + '"},
           "email": {"stringValue": "' + EmailTextBox.Text + '"},
           "password": {"stringValue": "' + PasswordTextBox.Text + '"}
    when Web1.GotText
      if responseCode = 200
        set StatusLabel.Text to "Signup successful!"
        set StatusLabel.Text to "Signup failed: " + responseContent
    set StatusLabel.Text to "Please fill in all fields."

Step 5: Test Your App

  1. Test on Device:
    • Connect your device and test the signup functionality.
    • Ensure that data is being correctly saved to Firebase Firestore.

This is a basic implementation to get you started. Depending on your app’s needs, you might need to add more features such as email verification, password reset, etc.


this is a for users to signup
i want them to login using a username and a password i provide

@Nih_nih_Science_cem you got the solution or still you haven’t got? as you have selected the solution but not replied either you have got the solution or not

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