Kodular vs Niotron help please

Hello, I have been using Kodular for 3 years and I am creating an App to watch Movies. I’m having trouble using Kodular to work, I’d like to know if it’s worth specializing on the Niotron platform?

Shifting to Niotron would be beneficial, as Kodular’s service is nearing its end.

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Hello, nice to see you here, so do you recommend me specializing in the Niotron platform?


Yes, I recommend you to use Niotron as they provide regular updates as per user needs.


It’s baffling why Kodular community is so active and still soo many developers are in Kodular, considering it’s a disaster platform at this time… It’s like a Titanic, ready to sink anytime now with a plate, saying “Titanic” will sink for everyone to see and almost nobody tries to leave

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Yes, Kodular was the first platform I started, I admit that before it was the best, but now it seems like it’s finished

Niotron is best app development platform in this world! Many useful components are inbuilt therefore developers have no need to import extensions from third party. Sometimes third party extension causes your app suspension on play store if the extension developer is banned by Google.

EDIT: Yes, I agree.

Which was never true for Kodular.

No. The amount of bugs is just ridiculous.

Yes, I agree.

Then prove it and convince why Niotron is not best among all block based app dev platforms?

I have been working for more than 12 years with

  1. Inventor Classic, then
  2. AI2,
  3. Thunkable
  4. AppyBuilder
  5. Kodular
  6. Niotron.

In recent years I have only used AI2 and Niotron for my Play Store apps. I find the greatest flexibility, the best range of functions and the fewest bugs (the latter also applies to AI2) with Niotron.

It’s not even worth talking about Kodular anymore. With every subsequent (and regularly delayed) update, countless new bugs were added. I gave up trying to list them years ago.

Sorry, my fault. I misread that. I thought you said Kodular was the best builder. :upside_down_face:

News about this?

Looking into it. My Niotron has not been maintained for a while and just been there for IDE compatibility.

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In order to make the (outdated) Niotron IDE (with Java/JDK 7) compatible with the new Android SDK requirements, it would be helpful to adapt the Java/JDK version to at least 8.

The issue has been fixed for now, was a firewall issue by our service provider. The new version of the IDE has been in the works for a while now, but delayed due to builder updates.