Keystore SHA1 certificate Problem

If we update keystore in Niotron and if SHA1 fingerprint start with Zero (0) then it removes the Zero that was first digit. That’s why we are unable to update existing app.
Please provide any solution regarding this problem.

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It just shows like that, it won’t effect your app.
If you are facing any issue, please show it here.

Updating problem sir,
I have imported keystore from other app bulider(Codlr : I hope you understand). When I’m trying to install this app from Niotron it shows above error may be due to Incorrect keystore certificate.

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Can you send apk made from both platforms?

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Sure Sir, But whare please give me some contact details.

You can post it on community or send by Personal Message.

Thanks dear @Krish
My problem is solved now. Now apk working fine and no error occurred.
Thanks again.

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